And this is how we do it

application process

Are you ready for a new adventure?

A new job is a start to a new adventure. Your pulse races, your heart beats faster, and yet all you want is to finally plunge right in. So grab your laptop and take the first step. Blow us away with your application. Tell us about your talent for language, your creativity, or some other extraordinary ability that we should definitely know about. We always have a vacancy for people with courage, openness, and passion.


step 1
As the saying goes: You never get a second chance for a first impression. So pull out all the stops and send us an application we simply can't put down. Don't forget your current CV and a cover letter that tells us there's no one better for this job.

You hear from us within a week

step 2
We know how much love and energy you put into your application. That's why we won't keep you waiting for an answer and will get back to you within a week at the latest. Promised.

First interview

step 3
Suit or jeans? We don't really care. Just be yourself and tell us what motivates you and why you are the perfect fit for our team. The first interview is a bit like a first date – we just want to see if we click. And if you've convinced Lize or Elke, we'll move on to the second round.

Second interview

step 4
You made it to the second round? Well done! This means your team leader also wants to get to know you. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about your new position, to clear up open questions, and to score points with special, professional experience. OK, take a deep breath and let's go.

Meet the team

step 5
Likeable colleagues are at least as important as the job itself. That's why you'll get to know your new team before even signing the contract. But there's no need to get nervous. Mutual respect, helpfulness, and teamwork are a given at Wever & Ducré. And if you feel the same way, you've come to the right place.

Sign your contract

step 6
Now all you need to do is sign here. And that's what you'll do in our HR department, where your first day is also scheduled. Your employment contract tells you how and where exactly you will be working.

Welcome on board

final step
Done! Now you are officially a part of the Wever & Ducré Family and your first working day can begin. What will it be like? You will find out in a welcome email that we will send you shortly before your start. The first step is the preboarding phase during which a personal buddy assists you. They will introduce you to all areas of the company and to your key colleagues. Before you really get started, there is a detailed onboarding programme and tailored training sessions that introduce your new tasks step-by-step.
„Job interviews are like first dates. The most important question is always: Are we going to click?“
human resources


Do you have any questions?

Everything that could be important for your future position. This includes a short list of your professional experience and an overview of additional skills such as languages and computer skills. Finally, we would also like a cover letter in which you briefly explain why you are applying and what makes you the perfect candidate for the position. By the way, if you have a portfolio, you are of course welcome to send it too.

Flexible working has many advantages. And if your position allows it, that’s fine with us. Essentially, you should be available for your colleagues in the mornings between 9 am and 12 pm, and in the afternoons between 1 pm and 4 pm. The rest of your working hours can be arranged flexibly. Depending on whether you're an early bird or more of a night owl. 

Would you like to work from home? This is also an option in some of our departments. After all, many of us are simply more productive in a familiar and quiet environment. In creative jobs that require close contact with the team, a mix of office and home office would be ideal. In general, however, we at Wever & Ducré strive for a balance of three days in the office and a maximum of two days at home. The beauty of this option? If you don't have to drive to work every day, the environment benefits too. After all, this reduces harmful CO2 emissions.

Young talent is always welcome here. That's why we offer many interesting positions, especially during the holiday season. Just click on student jobs to learn more.

Of course. After all, an internship is the perfect way to find out what job you might enjoy the most. You can find vacancies in the "Internships" section.

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